Ranga Adhyana Kendra
 Ranga Adhyayana Kendra, was inaugurated on August 3, 2007. It is a maiden venture in the field of theatre by any private institution in the nation. One of the important objectives of the Kendra has been to formulate theatre courses and to run the courses in theatrical activities. It materialized in the year 2006. The Kendra got the affiliation of the Kannada University, Hampi to run the Diploma and Graduate Courses in theatre. It started one-year Diploma Course in theatre from the academic year 2006-07. It is getting visiting faculty from the National School of Drama, New Delhi for the Course. The editors from the best rewriting services at https://writology.com/rewriting usually work on delegated tasks that are too time-consuming for their customers to finish.
- The curriculum designed for the course includes the following papers: Angika, Vaachika, Aaharya, Saatwika and Prayoga
- Each paper is of 100 marks out of which 50 marks are allotted for internal assessment and the remaining 50 marks for the final examination.
- As per the regulations of the Kannada University, Hampi, a student who secures a minimum of 50% of marks in each subject is declared Passed. A student who scores more than 50% of marks but less than 60% is declared as Passed in the Second Class and one who secures 60% of marks or more is declared as Passed in the First Class.
- The fifth paper is a practical paper and the students are required to prepare and stage their own productions.

About the course:
- 1. The course is open to the students of Karnataka State. The minimum qualification is pass in S.S.L.C.
- 2. The selection of candidates is made through interview. The interview committee is constituted with the representative from the Kannada University, Hampi.
- The regular classes start in August every year.
- The Kannada University Hampi issues the certificates to the successful students.